What is Land Subdivision


Land Subdivision is the process of dividing land into two or more parcels for the purpose of future sale or development.

The first step in land subdivision is to engage a licensed land surveyor to complete a survey which is then used by architects and town planners to be submitted for Town Planning and Building Permit Applications to your local city council. Land Subdivision Melbourne is a trusted team of qualified land surveyors and town planners who will provide you with every land surveying service that is required to complete any development project.


When is a land subdivision required?

If you are looking to develop more than one dwelling on a lot and it meets all the requirements of local planning schemes and residential development provisions, then you will be eligible to subdivide your land.

The first step in determining whether you are able to subdivide your land, is to get your property and surrounding area surveyed to provide council and town planning departments with the information they need to assess the eligibility of your title for land subdivision. Land Subdivision Melbourne is a trusted team of land surveyors and town planners who specialise in all types of surveying services to get the results you need to go through the town planning permit and subdivision application process.


What to consider if you want to subdivide your land

Subdividing any land can be a complex process and is not always a feasible option for every parcel of land. Many planning permit applications are denied if a site does not meet the requirements of councils and planning authorities but will still incur the application costs.

Important factors to consider before undergoing any land subdivision are:

-Zoning, planning schemes and overlays

-Size of your land

-Allowable building envelope

-Any neighbourhood character and strategic planning policies

At Land Subdivision Melbourne, we have an extensive knowledge of the land subdivision process and will provide you with a consultation on the land surveying and town planning services that you require to get your project underway.


How much will a land subdivision cost?

The cost of land subdivision will depend on the number of proposed lots, size of the development, characteristics of the site and neighbourhood, and eligibility for subdivision. Depending on these factors, the overall cost of land surveying fees for a land subdivision can cost up to a few thousand dollars. Contact us today for a free consultation and estimated subdivision costs for your project.


How long will the land subdivision process take?

At Land Subdivision Melbourne, once the site survey has been completed and a proposed plan of subdivision has been finalised, we lodge all required documents to the local councils. Depending on the processing speed of council and local authorities, a land subdivision will generally take 3 to 6 months to complete. We ensure that all the land surveying components are completed on time to avoid any initial delays from a survey side. We work closely with our clients and local councils during the process to ensure the subdivision is completed in a timely manner..



Contact us today for friendly, no obligation advice on how we can assist you in taking the first step toward your building and development projects.